Friday, April 4, 2014

"The evolution of Bertha" or "How to become a drag queen in less than an hour"

Part of the fun of singing in opera is the spectacle: costume, lighting, design, an MAKEUP. As a soubrette-type soprano, I've always been made to look 'pretty' onstage. My roles are mainly scheming maids (Susannah, Despina), children (Gretel), sassy leading ladies (Norina) but singing Bertha with Dallas Opera has opened new character possibilities for me in my performance and appearance! I couldn't help but share the evolution of a freshly scrubbed blond sans makeup, into my drag-tastic alter ego, Bertha.

First, no makeup. Not bad? This is what I look like most days

This was the fun, but scary-looking part: applying the base makeup, and the waxing down of the eyebrows. Here's what my makeup artist used on me to achieve this alien-type look

Here, you'll notice my lovely painted eyebrows, outlined lips, my fetching wig-cap, but no eyelashes or highlighting yet. This is when I begin to first see how expressive my face can get! I wasn't even really trying to cartoon-it-up for this picture, yet, the makeup makes every tiny feature POP!

AHA! The wig and eyelashes really add something, don't they? When you're singing in a 2000 seat theater, definition with makeup can make or break a character's appearance. My makeup artist was told to 'avoid blending' because it softens a character, whereas Bertha ain't soft.

But you can't stop there, you've got to keep going! Add my second wig and a horrified expression, and you've got Bertha, or as I like to think of her: Berthissima! Again, every expression I make is doubled, or even tripled, by this excellent makeup design.

Here's Bertha, doing her best Norma Desmond impression...

...and finally, Sassy-Bertha. Bertha with a secret, or if you will, Bertha trying to look pretty and soft. Nope. Still frightening.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed stopping by! Next blog topic: deciphering knitting directions without a map.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dallas, Texas...

Wow. It's been several years since my last post! Let's just say I've experienced some things since 2011...

1. I've started sewing. In December of 2012, I got the flu. BAD. I had purchased a sewing machine on a whim while shopping with my sister on Black Friday, and it had been sitting in my apartment since then. Because of my flu, I ended up spending a lot of time in my 4th floor walk-up, with nothing to do but watch tv, and perhaps, set out and acquire a new skill. My first projects were abject failures, BUT; eventually, I got the hang of it! Here are some of my early projects:

2. I've embarked upon a full-time teaching position at a very prestigious university (if I do say so myself!) and continue to take gigs as a professional singer. Right now, I'm performing "Bertha" in Dallas Opera's Il barbiere di Silviglia and it promises to be a hilarious, and extremely well-sung production! Pictures will follow...but for the time being:

3. I've taken up knitting again. When I was singing Papagena at NYCO years ago, I found myself with a lot of time on my hands while waiting backstage. A colleague of mine was an avid knitter, and I just picked up the habit from her (check out her blog at ) I will say that I think I'm better at sewing childrens' clothes than I am at knitting or crocheting, but time will tell, no? Here is my very first cabled project! It will eventually turn out to be the sleeve of a sweater for my older niece...

I hope that future posts will include actual patterns and pattern numbers, so that other people like me can google stuff and find it easily. I'm currently working on Butterick 'retro' 5748, which is an EASY pattern, but only if you know your measurements.

What I really should do is put out my own line of short-waist patterns, for the rest of us out there...

So, I hope you enjoy the new installment of my blog. I'm just an amateur, so please be kind!